Friday, September 11, 2009

A series of unfortunate events

I got a phone call yesterday from my dear sweet husband. It is one that a wife never hopes to receive. I was told through his tears that he lost his job. My heart immediately sank to the floor. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I am frightened. I am scared. I am worried. I just started reading my scriptures again on a regular basis about two weeks ago and I just got done reading Alma and Amulek and their encounters with Zeezrom. Zeezrom had a fever and wanted to be healed. Alma basically said, "Do you have faith that you will be healed?" Zeezrom answered with the affirmative. Something to the effect that I know through Heavenly Father all things are possible. I have faith that I will be healed.
How grateful I am that I just read that encounter. Through all of this I am extremely angry, but there is a strange peace that I am feeling. That verse keeps coming into my head. I know that through Him, all things are possible. I am not sure what the plan is right now, for this particular timing. We are two weeks away from closing on our home and smack dab in the middle of fertility testing. In my eyes, it really couldn't be at a more inopportune time, but I am trying to trust. I am trying to say, "You are in charge. I understand and believe you have a plan that is bigger than the plan I had for me, for us. I have to believe. I have to have faith!


  1. I am sorry to hear that. I am sure Heavenly Father has something amazing waiting for you just around the corner, He always does. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I am so sorry Brandy. I just said a prayer for you and will continue to. I am so sorry. Hugs from afar.

  3. Oh Brandy!! My heart sinks for you! I am so sorry and yet at the same time so amazed at you and your ability to bring the gospel out so prominently! Good luck! You will be in my prayers!

  4. Brandy! I am so sorry. I love you and will pray for you. Let me know if you need anything I may be far but I am also just a phone call away and care about you guys.

  5. Your testimony strengthens mine. Thank you for your faith. Love you!

  6. I know how you feel. Aaron and I both lost our jobs this past year, in the middle of trying to get #2. But you have such a wonderful attitude about it. And that is the key always stay close to the spirit. Let us know if you need anything!

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